Saturday, March 29, 2014

Saturday Chillings

Hello beautiful people,

As you may or may not know, I am a kitesurfer and I also spend a lot of time on the beach.
Unfortunately the last couple of weeks i haven't been able to go to the beach because all my gear is being repaired.

It is often said that sometimes you just have to take a day off and relax.
I've had lots of days off to relax the last couple of weeks.
I also had a lot of time to study for my school exams that are coming up and finals, so all in all it wasn't that bad that i had less temptation to go out on the water.

I heard about this competition that was being organized called the Kitemanera 2014, I checked it out.
This is a contest that is organized by a small group of locals for everyone to participate, aiming of course at everyone.
It doesn't matter how old, how young, how big or how small you are, if you came to the beach to have a good time on the water and race or maybe freestyle a bit, this is the place for you.
I heard a couple of rumors about the competition, that if you are competing you have to wear a costume.
I arrived at the beach and there were roughly about 20 kites in the air and another 20 on land.
The races have already started judging by how many people were kiting in the same direction trying to pass each other.
I had brought my camera because i knew this was something worth seeing.

So, I started walking over the beach and i setup my camera.
I started filming all these people dressed as something or someone or a combination of both.
It was a sight to see.
I was greeted every time I was noticed.
Who could blame them, I haven't been to the beach in so long they probably thought i moved to Holland, since i want to study there.

As i was filming I hear: "Chris do you want to be a freestyle judge?".
I had no problem with that so I said yes.
I sat down under this little red tent, there were a couple lounge of chairs there and that's where we had to judge from.

It was amazing, because it wasn't a pro freestyle competition.
Everyone sort of had their own style and way of executing tricks, it was a sight to see.
In the beginning it was a battle of 4 people competing for the number one spot, there was action everywhere.
Every direction you looked there was either someone wiping out hard or executing a cool looking trick.
In the finals we had a different format to really bring on the pressure for the competitors.
The format changed to a one on one match for five minutes to do as much tricks as you can as good as you can.
Of course you couldn't do the same trick three times in a row and expect the same result, so we told the competitors to show us all they got, and they did not disappoint.

After the freestyle session i came home and started processing the video and editing.

All in all, it was a great day at the beach today.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Poetry

Allllright all you creative, intelligent, and awesome people out there!So today is thursday,
I am assigning every thursday to be..... Poetic Thursday!What that means is that every thursday there will be a new poem or some creative writing.
Enjoy the first Poetic Thursday.

The Left Hand.

You have a left hand and a right hand, five fingers each hand.
Five fingernails who each are different in their own way.
This is my left hand.

Five at the first glans, all look the same.
Five that after you took a closer look you found out they have their own story.
Five that are completely different, come to think of it, but all work together perfectly.
Pinky has suffered much pain, more than all the others, because he was once broken and never really healed back properly cause he's always the smallest one.
Ringky Dink is a neatly cleaned finger that cries for attention cause he's always in second place.
Middle tall guy is sort of socially needy and always causes drama.
Indexetron likes to point things out and give directions and is a good leader for the group of four.
Thumbledore is the absolute most cool of all, he reinforces the whole crew of four and is always there for a helping hand. besides when he decides to show himself, it's a good thing.

If i do say so myself, my fingers sort of remind me of some people I know...hahaha
Pinky, Rinky Dink, Middel tall guy, Indexetron and Thumbledore always come together and work as an awesome team.
Just like five completely different people can become the best of friends and work together and be the best team there is.
Or how five completely different people can actually be related and still love each other so much.

Sometimes it happens that a finger goes missing, in the beginning that's gonna suck, because you don't know how to make your hand function properly.
But after a while you work your way through it and you can use your hand again.
Sometimes you are gonna miss the finger and i bet the finger misses you too.
Now you realize that the finger is gone, but only you can decide if it's forgotten.

Sometimes things happen in life.
You lose a friend, maybe two.
But know that the life your friend chose was his to decide or faith has lead him to a new journey,
He's in a better place or he's learning to be a better person.
The hole he created can never be filled, but you can fight through it.


Free my nigguh. 

The Left Hand.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Wow, i guess this is actually my first official blog.

So i always fantasized about having a blog or  a vlog. 
I always wanted people to so what i do and how i really live.
So i'm gonna start writing about my daily life and and make you as entertained as possible.

I guess we can start at the start itself.
Ever since i was a little child there was something really attracting about media and exposure.
I was always either singing or rapping or making a complete fool out of myself so that people will notice me.
When i got a bit older i discovered my passion in sports, media and music.
I make myself free by combining the three and letting all the stress go.

So that was a little peace of me enjoy what is still to come. 

remember to always have a little fun and never forget where you came from.

greetings from the caribbean.