Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Poetry

Allllright all you creative, intelligent, and awesome people out there!So today is thursday,
I am assigning every thursday to be..... Poetic Thursday!What that means is that every thursday there will be a new poem or some creative writing.
Enjoy the first Poetic Thursday.

The Left Hand.

You have a left hand and a right hand, five fingers each hand.
Five fingernails who each are different in their own way.
This is my left hand.

Five at the first glans, all look the same.
Five that after you took a closer look you found out they have their own story.
Five that are completely different, come to think of it, but all work together perfectly.
Pinky has suffered much pain, more than all the others, because he was once broken and never really healed back properly cause he's always the smallest one.
Ringky Dink is a neatly cleaned finger that cries for attention cause he's always in second place.
Middle tall guy is sort of socially needy and always causes drama.
Indexetron likes to point things out and give directions and is a good leader for the group of four.
Thumbledore is the absolute most cool of all, he reinforces the whole crew of four and is always there for a helping hand. besides when he decides to show himself, it's a good thing.

If i do say so myself, my fingers sort of remind me of some people I know...hahaha
Pinky, Rinky Dink, Middel tall guy, Indexetron and Thumbledore always come together and work as an awesome team.
Just like five completely different people can become the best of friends and work together and be the best team there is.
Or how five completely different people can actually be related and still love each other so much.

Sometimes it happens that a finger goes missing, in the beginning that's gonna suck, because you don't know how to make your hand function properly.
But after a while you work your way through it and you can use your hand again.
Sometimes you are gonna miss the finger and i bet the finger misses you too.
Now you realize that the finger is gone, but only you can decide if it's forgotten.

Sometimes things happen in life.
You lose a friend, maybe two.
But know that the life your friend chose was his to decide or faith has lead him to a new journey,
He's in a better place or he's learning to be a better person.
The hole he created can never be filled, but you can fight through it.


Free my nigguh. 

The Left Hand.

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